PIC16F877A Microcontroller

Br 1,000.00

  • It has a total number of 40 pins and there are 33 pins for input and output.
  • One of the main advantages is that it can be write-erase as many times as possible because it uses FLASH memory technology.
  • It is used in remote sensors, security and safety devices, home automation and many industrial instruments. It has a smaller 35 instructions set.
  • It can operate up to 20MHz frequency.
  • The operating voltage is between 4.2 volts to 5.5 volts.
  • If you provide it voltage more than 5.5 volts, it may get damaged permanently.
  • The maximum current each PORT can sink or source is around 100mA. Therefore, the current limit for each GPIO pin of PIC16F877A is 10 mili ampere.