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Atmega32 Microcontroller
Br 1,000.00
- ATMega32 – 8-Bit AVR Microcontroller
- Number of Pins 40
- Operating voltage 4.5 to 5.5 V ( 5.5V being absolute maximum)
- Number of I/O pins 32
- ADC module : 8 channels , 10-bit resolution ADC
- Timer module : Two 8-bit counters, One 16-bit counter [Total three]
- Analog Comparators 1
- DAC Module : Nil
- PWM channels : 4
- 0-8MHz Calibrated Internal Oscillator
- Program Memory Type : Flash
- Program memory : 32Kbytes[10000 write/erase cycles]
- CPU Speed (MIPS) : 16MIPs
- RAM Bytes : 2KBytes
- Data EEPROM : 1024 Bytes
- Watchdog Timer : Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Oscillator
- Power saver modes : Six Modes[Idle, ADC Noise Reduction, Power-save, Power-down, Standby and Extended Standby]
- Operating temperature : -55°C to 125°C( 125 being absolute maximum, -55 being absolute minimum)
Communication interface
- JTAG Interface(24,25,26,27 PINS)[Can be used for programming this controller]
- Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface(5,6,7,8 PINS) [Can be used for programming this controller]
- Programmable Serial USART(14,15 PINS) [Can be used for programming this controller]
- Two-wire Serial Interface(22,23 PINS)[Can be used to connect peripheral devices like sensors and LCDs]
External oscillator
- 0-8MHz for ATMEGA32L
- 0-16MHz for ATMEGA32
- ATMega32 – 8-Bit AVR Microcontroller
- ATMEGA32 is easy to program AVR controller. With appreciable program memory it can satisfy most EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. With various sleep modes it can work on MOBILE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS.
- Along with 32 programmable Input/Output pins, it can interface many peripherals easily. With Watchdog timer to reset under error it can be used on systems with no human interference. With so many features with each appreciating other we can implement ATMEGA32 in many control systems.
- Temperature control systems
- Analog signal measuring and manipulations.
- Embedded systems like coffee machine, vending machine.
- Motor control systems.
- Digital signal processing.
- Peripheral Interface system.