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Digital Oscilloscope DS-2100CA 100MHz
Br 55,000.00
- Digital Oscilloscope, DS-2100CA, dual channel, color display, 1GS/s sampling
- Model DS-2100A/CA
- Channels 2+Ext.Trigger
- Bandwidth 100MHz
- Rising time 3.5ns
- Time base 1ns to 50s/div
- Real time sample rate 1GSa/a
- Equivalent sample rate 50GSa/s
- Input impedance 1MΩ//13pF
- Input coupling DC, AC, GND
- Trigger Edge, video, pulse, delay
- Acquisition modes Auto, normal, single
- Trigger sources CH1, CH2, Ext, Ext/5, Ext(50Ω)
- Horizontal accuracy ±0.01%
- Vertical sensitivity 2mV/div to 5V/div
- Vertical resolution 8 bit
- Max.�input voltage 400V(DC+AC peak),5Vrms@50Ω
- Math +-×÷FFT
- Storage 10 waveforms, 10 steps
- Display A/CA: mono/color, 320×240 resolution
- Power supply Worldwide 100-225V/40VA Max
- Interface USB port
- Accessories Probe×2, power cord, user’s manual
- Dimension 303(W)×145(H)×288(D)mm
- Weight 3Kg
- Window Hanning, hamming, Blackman-harris, rectangylar
- Sample points 1024 points
- Bandwidth 200MHz
- Phase difference ±3 degrees
Auto measurements
- Vpp, Vamp, Vrms, Vmin, Vtop,Vbase,Vbase,Vavg,Freq,Period,Rise time
- Fall time,+width,-width,overshoot,preshoot,+duty,-duty,etc
- 100MHz color display 1GS/s Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DS 2100CA)
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