Proto Shield

Br 400.00

  • Uno Proto Shield and SYB-170 Breadboard
  • It has a nice standard 0.1″x0.1″ prototying grid with big pads
  • A IC pattern for adding DIP ICs up to 20 pins
  • Power rails down the middle and sides
  • A reset button and an extra general use button
  • 2 3mm general use LEDs, red and green, as well as 2 matching resistors
  • The ICSP header is up top if you like to upload to your Arduino using a programmer
  • A surface-mount chip area for up to 14 SOIC size parts
  • Compatible with either tiny breadboards or ‘standard’ breadboards with the rails removed.
  • Every pin is brought out, including the new 3V and Reset header pins
  • 2 0.1uF capacitors on either side for extra power stability
  • The shield brings all Uno I/O up to the top of the board and provides a remote reset button.  There is also a general purpose pushbutton which provides a ground contact when pressed as well as 2 general purpose LEDs with resistors which are active high.
  • There is an SOIC-14 solder footprint which is brought out to two header locations.  The shield also has a spot to add an ICSP header if desired.
  • The prototyping board has both GND and 5V solder type buses as well as 2 female header buses that are also connected to GND and 5V.  There are 2 locations provided on the board to add bypass capacitors across the 5V / GND rails if desired.
  •  It works with UNO, NG, Diecimila and Duemilanove Arduinos. You can use it with a Leonardo but it will not break out the hardware SPI pins (they’re only on the ISP connector underneath) or the IOREF/SDA/SCL pins. However, the SDA/SCL pins on the Leonardo are also on digital #2 and #3 so you can still use them by connecting to #2 and #3.
  • Uno Proto Shield and SYB-170 Breadboard
  • Provides prototyping area that mounts to the Uno and compatibles as a shield.
  • The Uno Proto Shield and SYB-170 Breadboard mounts on top of an Arduino Uno or compatibles with the same header pinout and provides both a solder type prototyping surface as well as an SYB-170 solderless breadboard that can be temporarily or permanently mounted to the shield.


  • Uno Proto Shield
  • SYB-170 Breadboard that can be adhered to the top of the shield or not depending on planned use