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CD4047BE Power Inverter
Br 100.00
- Operate in both Monostable and Astable operation
- Require only a few external components that are one resistor and one capacitor
- Symmetrical buffered output characteristics
- High Noise Immunity
- The CD4047 IC is a low power CMOS logic based multivibrator circuit IC. It can operate either in the monostable or astable mode. Furthermore, this IC is easy to configure for both modes and requires few external components to operate. It has a voltage range of 3V-15V but works best at 5V.
Monostable Mode Features
- Positive and negative edge trigger pins for enabling monostable operation.
- The output pulse width is independent of the trigger pulse duration.
- Retrigger pin is available for expansion of pulse width.
Astable Mode Features
- Creates a 50% duty cycle
- Free running operating mode with oscillated output
- Impressive frequency stability