DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Module

Br 950.00

  • Waterproof digital temperature sensor DS18B20 with adapter module
  • Pull-up resistor included on the adapter module, connect directly to the GPIO of the Raspberry Pi
  • Measure the temperature directly in places like water or soil
  • Single-bus communication
  • Voltage: 3.0V ~ 5.25V
  •  Temperature range: -55°C ~ 125°C degree

Wiring from the adapter board to the Raspberry Pi

  • DAT = To the Raspberry Pi GPIO pin 4
  • VCC = To any 3.3V pin on the Raspberry Pi GPIO header
  • GND = To any GND pin on the Raspberry Pi GPIO header
  • DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Module Kit with Waterproof Stainless Steel Probe for Raspberry Pi

Package Includes

  • DS18B20 temperature sensor in a waterproof casing on 100cm cable
  • Adapter module
  • Three female to female jumper wires
  • GPIO Reference Board for The Raspberry Pi