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LM35 Temperature Sensor Module
Br 600.00
- Calibrated directly in Degree Celsius
- Linear 10.0 mV/˚C scale factor
- 0.5˚C accuracy guarantee-able (at 25˚C)
- Rated for full −55˚ to 150˚C range
- Operates from 4 to 30 volts
- Less than 60 µA current drain
- Low self-heating, 0.08˚C in still air
- This is an Arduino Temperature Sensor based on LM35 temperature chip.
- A Temperature Sensor can be used to detect ambient air temperature.
- The LM35 chip is produced by National Semiconductor Corporation and offers a functional range between 0 degree Celsius to 100 degree Celsius with a sensitivity of 10mV per degree Celsius. The output voltage is proportional to the temperature.
- It is commonly used as a temperature measurement sensors. It includes thermocouples, platinum resistance, thermal resistance and temperature semiconductor chips, which commonly used in high temperature measurement thermocouples.
- This temperature sensor suitable for measuring the temperature of 0-200 degrees or below, in which the application of a simple semiconductor temperature sensor has good linearity and high sensitivity. The LM35 linear temperature sensor and sensor-specific expansion of Arduino board, in combination, can be very easy to achieve.
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